Translit Industries Professional Translation Agency

BABYLON Professional Translation Agency is a leader of professional translation services market providing:

User Friendly Services

To save the time of our customers we have simplified procedures to take on and hand out the orders as much as possible, providing a customer with an opportunity, staying in his office, evaluate the price of a translation, place the order and receive the output, whatever the payment method, volumes and complexity of translations, as well as the format of the original (electronic/print out). You can use any kind of information transfer: fax, E-mail, ICQ, FTP-server and company curriers.

High Quality Performance

The quality of a translation is but reflection of a translator merits and proficiency. Our translators are sophisticated experts, possessing vast experience and seniority, who are graduates of Russian and foreign linguistics universities. Our specialization covers practically every field of knowledge, starting from medicine and up to space technologies, from fiction to thesis. We translate from/to the majority of the languages of the world, including rare ones.

To avoid any possible mistakes, every translated work is subject to additional proofreading. Texts for publications are proofread by a native speaker stylist.

When a text is translated, it is formatted by a maker-up to follow the original (he uses special fonts and seizes and page layout).

Acceptable prices

The pricing policy of the company is aimed at keeping the prices as low as possible to support the highest quality and full range of translation and supplementary services, our prices up today are lowest at the professional translations market of Moscow. Our clients can also feel the advantages of flexible discount system, where the price decreases with extension of the order realization term.

Evaluating the volume and, respectively, the price of an order, we, in response to our clients requirements and unlike the majority of translation agencies, calculate the text volume against its original, instead of the final translated version, which is usually larger, than the original.

Payments are possible both in cash and by bank transfer.

Execution of documents – LEGALIZATION

Preparing the documents for notarization and apostilization (for it to be valid outside the RF), we pay special attention to absolute conformity of the translation to its original (the layout of the document is entirely preserved, all signatures are indicated, all seals and stamps, including embossed seals and their inscriptions are translated).

Before the documents are submitted to the state bodies responsible for legalization, they are executed in complete conformity with the requirements of the above institutions, all their numbers, serials, names and surnames are checked to avoid any further problems with their processing. Authenticity of the translation is witnessed by the golden star and an embossed seal of “BABYLON” agency.

Supplementary Services

Besides translation services, our agency provides a wide range of supplementary services:

  • Interpreting of phone calls using three party conference calls (local, gateway and toll)
  • Page making and print out of publications – books, catalogues, booklets, brochures, advertisement modules and etc.
  • Web-site translation and design.
  • Search for any information in Internet on various languages (laws, standards, price lists and etc.)
  • Courier delivery.
  • Data writing on Zip, CD.